Cornwall's health care system operating at critical incident level as strikes begin

By Max Goodman

21st Dec 2022 | Local News

Cornwall’s health and care system raises alert level to critical incident
Cornwall’s health and care system raises alert level to critical incident

It has been announced that current operational pressures have forced Cornwall's health and care system to be operating at a critical incident level

A spokesperson for NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care System said:

"As a result of the acute pressure on all health and care services in Cornwall, we have escalated our operational level to a system-critical incident.

"We are currently seeing a high number of ambulances waiting outside the Royal Cornwall Hospital and a surge in the number of patients in our emergency department and Cornwall's minor injury units, as well as a large number of patients in Cornwall's hospitals who are deemed medically fit for discharge but awaiting the right onward care. In addition, we anticipate that planned industrial action this week will have a further impact.

"Declaring an internal critical incident galvanises system partners to take additional and immediate steps to create capacity to aid the movement of patients through our hospitals and, consequently, release ambulances and their crews.

"People in our communities can help by making sure they make the right choice if they need urgent care, either by seeing a pharmacist, contacting their own GP, even if here on holiday, or contacting NHS 111 online for advice on the most appropriate place for their needs.

"Families, friends, and neighbours are urged to help us too by offering to support someone waiting for home care to leave hospital sooner and we would ask them to contact the ward directly if they can help in any way.

"Fast access one-off grants, to use towards expenses or equipment to help you get a relative or friend home from hospital sooner, are also available. If you could support someone in your home, or in their own home, with a little extra help, speak to the nurse in charge on the ward.

"Getting someone home a day or two sooner will mean we can free up a vital hospital bed for someone else in urgent need".

With planned strikes from ambulance drivers in place today Wednesday the 21st of December and Wednesday the 28th of December 2022, people are being advised to not put themselves at risk and only call 999 if it is a medical or mental health emergency (when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk).

The Industrial action/strikes taking place is a national dispute between the Government and Trade Unions about terms and conditions of employment.

You can find more information here: NHS England » Information for the public on industrial action


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