Woman with cerebral palsy walking the Cornish coast for Georgia's Voice charity

By Max Goodman

13th Jun 2023 | Local News

Charlotte Gail walking the Cornish Coast (Image: Charlottes Instagram - Walk For Thought)
Charlotte Gail walking the Cornish Coast (Image: Charlottes Instagram - Walk For Thought)

Charlotte Gail, who is from Mabe, has been raising money for a local charity by walking the Cornish coast.

Charlotte has cerebral palsy and epilepsy but has been committed to fundraising for the mental health charity Georgia's Voice which supports young women between the ages of 18 and 25.

After starting on the 24th of May in Bude, Charlotte has now walked over 100 miles with friends and family while raising £755 of her £1000 target.

Charlotte says she has had friends and family walk with her on the way (Image: Charlotte's Instagram - Walk For Thought)

On the fundraising website and her Instagram page, Charlotte said: "Walking the Cornish coastal path is something I have always wanted to do, even though I'll find it very difficult. I have never done anything quite like this before. I decided to take up the challenge now because I'm in the best place I have ever been and it's now or never. I have cerebral palsy so it may take me a bit longer.

"This charity is close to my heart, as I have been through really hard times with my mental health and know that with the right support, there's always a way out of the darkest of times. I have attended this group, and it helped me when I was in a bad place.

"I hope by doing the walk, I can fundraiser to help many girls in Cornwall receive care and support via the Georgias Voice charity."

You can donate here: Walk for Thought!

Follow her journey here: Charlotte Gail

Learn more about the charity here: Georgia's Voice


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