Landlord of The Beehive claims complaints which led to licence review are a vendetta against the pub

The landlord of a pub which is set to have its licence review after a number of complaints says he is the victim of a vendetta.
The Beehive in Helston is due to have its licence reviewed by Cornwall Council's licensing act subcommittee on Wednesday (July 8th).
Graham Bailey, senior licensing officer at Cornwall Council, made the application for the license review.
A report to the licensing act sub-committee states the review relates to "repeated complaints regarding the ever-gorwing levels of noise nuisance from the premises, very often continuing well into the early hours of the morning up to and sometimes beyond 3am".
The report includes statements from officers which indicate that the first complaints about noise were made in 2016.
Officers from the council had visited on several occasions to speak to the licence holder Neil Hicks to discuss the complaints and what could be done to address the issues.
Mr Hicks employed specialist noise consultants to address the issues and after further complaints said that he would close the beer garden.
Environmental health officer Ricky Williams says in a statement: "Community protection has always tried to work with Mr Hicks in resolving the noise issues but unfortunately Mr Hicks has made very little effort to comply with the conditions of his licence and continues to cause distress and a nuisance to his neighbours."
However, in a three-page statement Mr Hicks has set out the efforts that he has made to address the complaints and issues which have been raised.
He states: "We've requested several times for the council to liaise with the complainants for their suggestions/instructions on resolving the issue. We have had no positive response from this."
Mr Hicks adds that the pub had received no response from 24 hand delivered letters which were sent to neighbouring properties offering to work with them.
He adds: "We believe this could be a vendetta against our business by an individual due to complaints to the council still being submitted even on our quiet nights.
"We estimate about 90% of the business' income is between 11pm and 3am on a Friday and Saturday night. Reducing hours, ie closing time, will have a severe negative impact on our business."
They claim that any reduction in hours would have a "negative impact on other pubs and clubs in town" and lead to people leaving Helston "early to enjoy nights out in other towns like Falmouth, Truro, Penzance, etc."
Mr Hicks says there are plans to install "a complete sound insulating rig" over the decking area.
He adds: "We strongly believe that it is wrong that one or two individuals are able to ruin the enjoyment of many hundreds of people who spend time and love coming to The Beehive.
"This pub was in financial crisis before we took over the lease and now it is a main hub/gathering point for many who enjoy the relaxes and safe environment that we offer.
"It is now a thriving business which can so easily and quickly be destroyed."
The licensing act sub-committee is due to meet to consider the review on Wednesday (July 8th) at 10am. It will meet online.
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