Gold and Bronze for Children's Sailing trust at Cornwall Tourism Awards

By Max Goodman

29th Nov 2022 | Local News

Children's Sailing Trust team pick up their award.
Children's Sailing Trust team pick up their award.

Winners were announced at a glittering ceremony in Truro Cathedral on 17 November, with successful businesses in many categories fast-tracked into the South West Tourism Excellence Awards in March 2023 and some invited to represent Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in the 2023 national VisitEngland Awards, in which Cornwall has often excelled.

The 23 award categories covered everything from dog-friendly, active experiences and cafes to glamping, hotels, and pubs with a Winner of Winners title, a Tourism Leadership award, and a special Outstanding Contribution to Tourism award also presented on the night.

The Children's Sailing Trust based in Helston picked up to awards on the night, gold for New Tourism Business and Bronze for Accessibility and Inclusivity.

Children's Sailing Trust with their awards. CEO Jakie Jewell second from the left

Jakie Jewell the CEO of the trust attended the ceremony; "It was a very emotional evening, receiving validation for everything we've worked so hard to achieve the past few years - the site has only been open for one year so this is the perfect First Birthday present for Trevassack, HQ of Children's Sailing Trust charity and our Centre of Excellence for accessible watersports.

Children's Sailing Trust watersports fun

"The site supports the work we do with local schoolchildren and SEND groups - Trevassack Holidays and CST Experiences are Not-For-Profit and open to any age and ability. The feedback we've had so far has been humbling.

"I'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all involved and a huge congratulations to all of the finalists of CTA22. And we look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to Trevassack Lake in the future."

Trevassack Lake - Children's Sailing trust

Children's Sailing Trust's purpose is to provide life-affirming watersports opportunities for young people. In 2016 they acquired a disused quarry near Helston, transforming it into an accessible watersports centre with purpose-built holiday accommodation. Trevassack Lake opened in October 2021 and received fantastic feedback from customers near and far, who were delighted to finally have fully accessible, self-catering properties in a beautiful, fully accessible location.

Children's Sailing trust - accessible watersports

The centre delivers high quality, accessible watersports activities for all, outstanding disabled facilities, and a wide range of specialist equipment with the state-of-the-art Learning Centre facilitating educational development of local schools and communities. 

You can read more about the Children's Sailing Trust and its work here: Welcome to Children's Sailing Trust - Cornwall (


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