Andrew Stanton narrowly escaped prison sentence

By The Editor

16th Aug 2019 | Local News

A HELSTON man who drove whilst drunk and disqualified has narrowly escaped a prison sentence.Andrew James Stanton, aged 39, of Meneague Street, committed the offences which passed the "custody threshold", but Truro magistrates instead imposed a community order.The charges related to an incident on June 19, when he drove a white Ford van on the A30 at Fraddon. He admitted being a disqualified driver and he also had 91mcgs of alcohol in 100mls of breath. The legal limit is 35mcgs.Stanton must comply with an Alcohol Treatment Requirement, to deal with his alcohol dependency, under the direction of the Probation Service for six months.He will also be placed under curfew for four months with electronic monitoring. He must also participate in a 19-day Thinking Skills Programme and a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement for up to 10 days.Magistrates said that a high level community order was appropriate given the "realistic prospect of rehabilitation".Stanton was banned from driving for 52 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and £85 victim surcharge.



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