Mullion & Rosudgeon Co-op Easter colouring competition
The local Co-op Easter colouring competition is underway, head to the Mullion & Rosudgeon store to pick up a free sheet.
By Max Goodman
Posted: Tuesday, 04th April 2023 3:00 pm

Enter the Co-op Easter colouring competition before Sunday the 9th of April for your chance to win some EGGSCELLENT prizes.
Just pop in the store and ask any store members for a colouring sheet, there are three age categories to enter for prizes 0-4, 5-8 & 9-12.
One winner from each age group will win an Easter surprise - Good luck!!
Remember you can join your local Member Pioneer page here: Mullion & Rosudgeon Member Pioneer
You can take a look through some of the entries so far:

Co-op Membership - Membership that makes a difference - Co-op (